Friday, 1 March 2013

Debbie’s Damn You Autocorrect for Red Nose Day


For a couple of years now, I’ve wanted to do a day for charity where, for the whole day, I do not correct when autocorrect changes  what I write or where I type incorrect words. You may have heard of ‘Damn You Autocorrect’? If not, you’ve got to take a look. I’ve spent many a spare 15 minutes cheering up a miserable day laughing my head off to other people’s autocorrect blunders – laughing until I cried! It’s great therapy. So this could go very badly…but hopefully will be very funny. So what other more suitable cause is there other than Red Nose Day?

Now the rules to this are going to be difficult to clarify but here goes:

  1. This will take place on Red Nose Day, 15 March 2013
  2. This will only cover tweets and texts
  3. I must reply to every text or tweet I receive where that text or tweet requires a response.
  4. If autocorrect changes a word automatically I must leave it.
  5. If I notice during the word I have mistyped it, I can edit it but once I’ve ‘accepted’ the word by typing a space or clicking on a selection word, I must stick with it, no matter what.
  6. If the correct word appears in a selection, I can choose it. If it doesn’t, I must select the first suggested word.

If you can think of any ‘loopholes’ that need closing or any further rules that should be applied, please comment and I’ll add them in.

In return, I would ask if you could please sponsor me on my Giving Page. No amount too small – every penny will make a difference to the people that Red Nose Day helps in the UK and in Africa.

Now, none of you will be sending me texts and tweets in an attempt to try to have a laugh at the expense of my poor typing skills would you?…would you?


  1. Love the novel nature of this.
    Can't wait to hear how it goes.

  2. I think I'd be scared - I've spent many an hour crying with laughter at 'Damn you Autocorrect'... :D

    Hope it's gone really well!
