Monday, 4 March 2013

After Eights

Having been doing 5:2 for 8 weeks now, I thought it was time for an update.

I’ve now lost 8lb (weighing in at 10st 4.2lb) and have lost an inch from around my chest, waist and hips (3” in total) with my thigh staying the same.

I’m still finding it easy enough to stick to. On the actual fast day I may occasionally think I could really do with eating more than 500 calories but then think, I can do that tomorrow – which is enough to keep me going.

The weeks I find the hardest, more in terms of mood and tiredness rather than feeling hungrier, is the week after my period. My periods, post Millie, are heavier than before so I imagine my grumps and tiredness are primarily linked to a lack of iron. Theoretically, I probably eat a higher quantity of iron since I’ve been doing the 5:2 so it’s probably doing me some good but it’s hard being tired & grumpy and not being able to fix it immediately with food! Although, typically, I’d be grabbing for the chocolate so not an ideal energy food.

My body fat on my scales does some weird things. As my weight goes down, my body fat goes up, although still hovers around the 16-17% mark. I’ve just looked at some charts and apparently I don’t have enough body fat!!! Odd – I can certainly see fat bits…I’m not sure I understand it…how can I tone, be healthy and have a healthy body fat level????  I need to investigate this more.

Overall, I’m excited that I have less than half a stone to lose to get to my intended goal (9st 12lb). This is my pre-Callum weight and I have been there once since having Callum. Its when I’ve felt most comfortable in my skin/bikini since having children. I am already starting to feel much better about my body and am liking more what I see in the mirror! I’m also starting to fit in clothes I couldn’t fit in before I started this and I have bought my first size 12 Jeans since forever a go! SIZE 12!!!!! I’ve been a 14 for a long time! The downside? I’ve lost my pregnancy/breastfeeding boobs!! Oh well, I was expecting it!

The health benefits I assume I’ll only really notice after more time.

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