Saturday, 5 November 2011

My Reiki Journey – the Background

Yesterday I had my first ever Reiki treatment. I’ll go on to explain how it went in the next post but first a bit of background.

When I was a child (we are talking about 11 and upwards here) I used to give massages to my family – nothing ‘funny’, they had a headache, sore neck, shoulder, back, foot pain etc and I used to have a natural ability to massage it better. Clearly, at aged 11, I had no training or knowledge about what I was doing, I just did it intuitively. They used to ask for me to help them so it wasn’t just a polite “oh, how sweet of her” praise. I used to ask them later or the next day how their ‘ailment’ was and they were amazed that it had improved.

So that lead to the family commenting that I should do something along the lines of healing massage when I was older as I appeared to have a natural gift.

On the spiritual side, I have always had an interest in the paranormal, supernatural, spirit world etc. I am intuitive to emotions and events often knowing in advance when something is going to happen. Sometimes I know exactly what it is and sometimes I just know ‘some thing’ is going to happen, sometimes I will know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. This intuition used to be a lot stronger when I was younger but as I have got older and been preoccupied with other things in life, with friends and family, this intuition has, admittedly, got weaker. Or more precisely, it is there but I often don’t stop to listen to it.

I believe in Angels and I do Angel readings. Mainly for myself but also for friends and family if someone asks. I ‘speak’ to the Angels and, if there is a friend or family member I am worried about or who is going through a challenging time,I will ask the Angels to help.

So, it may be no surprise to many, that I have had a ‘calling’ some might say to learn Reiki and become a Reiki healer. Until yesterday, I had never experienced it and had very little knowledge of it but, within me, I’ve had this unexplainable drive to learn it for a long time. People that don’t know me particularly well, have said they think it is something I’d be good at, not knowing it was already something I felt strongly about.

I have been looking into actually learning it for a couple of years now but it has never actually taken off. Either the Reiki Master who ran the lessons was unavailable or the course was too expensive or some other reason, therefore it just hasn’t happened yet. When moving to Bournemouth, I had several activities or hobbies I wanted to pick up again or start, Reiki being one of them. But there were just too many to be able to realistically dedicate time to all of them. In a conversation with my mum, I said I just needed a sign for which one was the right one to concentrate on. Often, if it is the right path for me to take, things just naturally fall in to my lap, so to speak. Two days later, my mum finds out that the mother of the beauty therapist we both see is a Reiki Master and teaches Reiki.

Here was my sign. When I thought about it, this was no real surprise, of course, my Angels had a vested interest in me learning Reiki as the two go very well together but I was still very flattered they, too, felt it was a skill I could learn and share with others.

So I made enquiries and found out the lovely lady and Reiki Master, L, who ran the courses was running a Level 1 course in December for a couple of people that missed her last course. For those of you who are not familiar with the levels of Reiki they are as follows:

Reiki 1 (First Degree) – self-healing and healing close friends, family and animals
Reiki 2 (Second Degree) – enables you to become a Reiki Practitioner
Reiki 3 (Masters &Teachers Degree - sometimes broken down into 3 separate degrees) – As the title suggests, it enables you to teach Reiki yourself

I spoke to Stuart who said I could only do the course if I had a treatment myself first – how could I understand what the other person was experiencing (if I went on to be a healer) if I hadn’t experienced it myself. He had a point and L wholeheartedly agreed and explained she had a very similar experience herself. Something within her told her she should learn Reiki then she had a treatment herself and all it did was cement the thought in her mind even more and she then took the next steps to be where she is today.

In truth, there is very little I actually know about Reiki, I’ve just known for a long time it is what I want to do.

I will share with you my experience of my first Reiki treatment in my next post.

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