Friday, 18 November 2011

Running App Review: Watching this Space!

I was going to write a review comparing the two running apps that appear to be favourite among me and my fellow runners and bloggers – Runtastic and RunKeeper.

Having already been using Runtastic for a while and have upgraded (and paid!!!!) to ProRuntastic, I downloaded the RunKeeper app and went to use it today. I went to settings and tried to set it to automatically update Twitter (as my Runtastic app already does) and it wouldn’t let me, I had to log into through a web browser. Hrmph! Not a good sign as I could do this straight from the app on my phone with Runtastic. I start up my laptop and load up the site – I have forgotten the password I used so reset it. Fine, set up Twitter and save any changes I’ve made to settings, go back to phone. Doesn’t recognise the account because the password doesn’t match! Of course! I log in again on phone with the new password. It wont do anything now because of some error. I give up. I load up Runtastic and go for a run!

So far this probably isn’t a fair review as it is probably down to my incompetence rather than the app’s set up (though so far I am definitely finding Runtastic more user-friendly), so I will try to get to grips with RunKeeper – I will also pay for the ‘elite’ version or equivalent to the Pro account on Runtastic so that it is a fair comparison. The other thing I guess I will have to do is take a couple of runs without my iPod so I can make use of the audio features on both apps. Perhaps I’ll have to put an album to run to on my phone and see if the audio interrupts the music to give updates and encouragement etc.

Will play around with all the settings and will write a proper, fair review soon.

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