Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Last night I saw an angel and said goodbye to another

Yesterday was a very sad day. A friend and
fellow blogger lost their dear little boy. Samuel had a rare medical condition called ARX. They were told they should expect this day would come before he reached one. But Samuel was a fighter and recently celebrated his 4th birthday. This fact will not made their loss any more bearable or less heartbreaking.

The news came as such a shock to me as just that morning I spoke to a lady at work who was leaving health visiting to work for Julia's House. The amazing charity that has provided amazing support, care and respite to Samuel and his family. I said how lovely and that my friend's boy went to Julia's House.  She asked who and then said she knew Samuel. That is where the conversation ended so I wonder if she already knew the sad news. 

As I laid my head on my pillow that night, with Samuel and his family in my thoughts, I asked the angels to be there for the family and support them.

As I was drifting in to sleep, Stuart was being unbearably loud so I was about to tell him to be quiet but when I opened my eyes all was silent. I realised I must've been dreaming. But there was something floating above me. I blinked and then tried to focus on it and try to see what it was but it moved into the shadows above Stuart's head hiding from my gaze. I figured it didn't want to be seen so I settled back to sleep. 

I believe it was an angel letting me know my request has been heard. 

I am sure the angels are looking after Samuel and are watching over his family at this difficult time. 

Rest in peace Samuel Bear. Some angels are not meant for this world. Or to quote Don McLean, "this world was not meant for one as beautiful as you" but we thank you for sharing your beauty with us all and I'll never forget those beautiful blue eyes and envious eyelashes. 

I leave you with this guest post I wrote when his mum asked me if I'd write a cuddle review as Samuel gave legendary cuddles.

1 comment:

  1. I cried reading this as I think I had some chats with Samuel's mum back when I was blogging, and of course I have a Samuel too. Recent events in my life have given me a wake up call to how fragile life really us, and my family and I are very much "lets grab the fun times while we can". Today is black Friday and I have felt so sad, so disgusted, so embarrassed. all those people fighting over tv's when some are fighting for life.
