However, this one does make me a little nervous! Our music taste is very personal but can also tell a lot about us! Especially when your taste is as eclectic as mine. I find it hard to pigeon hole myself into one particular genre of music when someone asks “what do you like to listen to?”. It ranges from music I grew up with like Neil Diamond, to Indie Bands, to Guitar bands, to girlie music, cheesey pop, to dancier music with a whole new variety of genres – chill out, funky, trance, hard trance, hard house, techno.
So this MeMe could be interesting and I have the lovely, and very funny (with her not at her) Aimee author of The Perfect Bad Mummy to thank for tagging me in this one.
Before I hit the shuffle (currently enjoying listening to Kings of Leon and so delaying it for a minute) – I explain what my MP3 is. Its a cerise pink 8gb iPod Nano and it is full to bursting. I have more music on my iTunes account than I can fit on my iPod (not to mention the hundreds of CDs that I’m yet to upload). My lovely husband bought it for me to upgrade my previous knackered iPod Nano for my 30th Birthday.
OK, not so keen on this song so time to hit that shuffle button. Not really sure how this is ‘supposed’ to work so I’m going to follow Aimée’s lead with how she wrote her Meme post. Aimée hit the shuffle button 5 times then explained a little bit behind why the particular song appeared on her iPod, so here I go:
Ceelo Green – Bright Lights Bigger City, from the album Lady Killer
I discovered Ceelo Green about 18 months to 2 years ago firstly when he was part of Gnarls Barclay and they bought out the fantastic Crazy which I still love and sing at the top of my voice when I hear it! Its a song I can relate to
OK, on to shuffle number 2!
REM – E-Bow the Letter, from the album In Time: The Best of REM
OK, so I never listen to this album and do not ever remember hearing this song. I like the odd REM song but its not an album I would listen to all of in one go unless I was feeling particularly suicidal – certainly not one to listen to when near any cliffs or high bridges! Listening to this song now as if for the first time, I definitely don’t think it is one I want to listen to again – its messy (I don’t like messy music) and thoroughly depressing. *Makes note to replace on iPod with something new*
Quickly moving on…
Lorretta Holloway – Love Sensation from the album The Pacha Experience
Love this song! Reminds me of my teen years! And what’s not to love, you can’t help but bounce and groove to it. Its a feel good song! Its from a compilation album of clubby/dancy tooones. As all these clubbing albums tend to be, some good some bad. Its not an album I listen to often but when I do I wonder why I don’t listen to it more. A good one to run to! *starts singing at the top of my voice* “Cos you’re right on time, right on time….”
Adele – One & Only from the album 21
I’m so pleased an Adele song came up. I’m new to Adele, having only discovered her about 8 months ago but I fell in love with her voice and music instantly. Such an amazingly beautiful voice and I could listen to this album and float away in a world of my own thoughts. Its one of those albums you want to find a beautiful spot in the country miles away from anyone on a hot sunny day, lie down in the grass with the smells of summer all around you, stare at the sky with your headphones in, listening to Adele. This is my current favourite album, knocking the previous favourite Snow Patrol off the top slot. I don’t think there is a song on the album I don’t like which surprised me as there are lots of songs on there that don’t meet my usual ‘type’ and would normally put firmly under a ‘dislike’ genre but there’s just something in each of the songs that grabs me and gets me singing along! Perhaps its the emotion she portrays in each song. Captivating!
Example – Hooligans (VIP mix) from the album Wont Go Quietly
Again, another new discovery for me and another one that doesn’t fully fit my usual tastes. I’m not a fan of the whole album as some of it is a bit rappy or drum n base-y for me but to counteract those there are some songs I just love. My favourite being “Love Kick Starts Again” which was the first song I heard of Examples on the radio. I loved that song and tried to remember the name of the artist, then a while later I heard another song of his I liked. Then he was in an interview that Stuart and I both listened to and the interview endeared him more to the pair of us so I sought out his album to add to my collection. This particular song is not a favourite but its OK and I’m happy to listen to it – its not one I’d hit the >>FF button on!
OK, how many is that so far? Well that’s 5 but the next song has already come on and I’m going to include it as its probably another example of how varied my tastes can be.
Pendulum – Tarantula from the album Hold Your Colour
I love this album. Its a real go mad and dance your socks off album. I’m not very good at dancing to breaks and drum n base so I tend to just bounce around like a loon. When listening to it it transports me back in my memory to two occasions. Firstly to a trip to Alton Towers with a bunch of friends. A group of friends used to go to Staffordshire each year to stay in this fantastic bed & breakfast pub for a couple of nights drinking, dancing and karaoke with a trip to Alton Towers in the middle. This was the second time I had been and the first time for Stuart. Stuart had gone to bed early (missing my first ever solo karaoke) while we continued to drink and party downstairs (we were on very good friend terms with the owner who used to let us have a lock in and join us in our partying until the early hours). I’m not sure how much sleep Stuart managed to get in the room upstairs with the volume of music downstairs but when this album came on it was enough to persuade him from his bed and rejoin the party joining us as we jumped around the pub – not recommended if you are over 6ft like our friend Dan with the low beams above – ouch!
The second memory is of a joint 30th birthday party for a few of my friends 4 years ago almost to the day (about a month out but relatively speaking!) where I was secretly pregnant with Callum (about 9-10 weeks) and we listened to this album towards the end of the night (well for me – for many of the others the night didn’t end!). I danced full of energy, obviously sober and no one guessed a thing about me being pregnant! This actual song I hunted out recently following two dreams I had had about tarantulas and then a programme came on tv about them – I felt it was a sign telling me I needed to bounce around my living room once more! Callum wasn’t impressed! So, as you can see, this album, this song included, is all about my friends for me!
For info, the next song to be played was Amy MacDonald – Mr Rock n Roll from the Album This is the Life but that’s enough for now. On with the tagging…
@rantybeast and her blog Deskmonkeymummy’s Brain Fart
@pieandbear and her blog Pie and Bear
@cooda and her blog coodababy Bits of Stuffs
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